Important notes for transfer of accrued benefits
- Before choosing a new MPF trustee and scheme to transfer accrued benefits, employees should not make the decision based solely on the customer offer. Employees should consider various factors, such as fund choices, fees, service standard, fund performance and personal factors, etc.
- The transfer transaction commences from unit redemption by the original MPF trustee and is completed after unit subscription by the new trustee. There will be a window period during which the accrued benefits will not be invested in any funds. During this period, market fluctuations may affect the fund prices, and so the value of the accrued benefits may be affected.
Investment involves risks and past performance is not indicative of future performance. Investment return may rise or fall. You are advised to read the relevant Principal Brochure for further details and risk factors prior to making any investment decision.
Information contained in this website is for general reference only. This presentation should not be regarded as any form of guarantee or professional investment advice. It does not constitute any recommendations, offers or solicitations; nor should it form the basis for any contract to sell or to purchase any products.
Should you wish to learn more about Employee Choice Arrangement, please contact our Pension Services Hotline at 3183 1888, or visit Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority’s website at .
Issued by Sun Life Hong Kong Limited (Incorporated in Bermuda with limited liability)