【Semi-Private room medical coverage in Asia】Apply WeHealth Prestige to get 6 months premium rebate! Click here
【Semi-Private room medical coverage in Asia】Apply WeHealth Prestige to get 6 months premium rebate! Click here
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* Sun Life MPF Master Trust has been merged into Sun Life Rainbow MPF Scheme from 30 August 2023
# Sun Life MPF Basic Scheme and Sun Life MPF Comprehensive Scheme have been merged into Sun Life Rainbow MPF Scheme from 29 November 2023
SunHealth Medical Care is a comprehensive medical plan offering you reimbursement for hospitalization and surgical expenses. You can choose benefits to best suit your protection needs.
SunHealth Medical Care is available as basic plan or rider benefit attached to designated basic plan(s).
The above information is a product summary only, please contact your Advisor for details. Please refer to the respective product brochure and Policy Document for details including definitions, full terms and conditions, and exclusions. If there is any conflict between the Policy Document and this product summary, the Policy Document shall prevail.
24-Hour Service Hotline for Value-added Services: (852) 3002 0816
Worldwide Emergency Assistance Hotline: (852) 2862 0134
China Toll Free No.: 400 616 0151
For more information, please visit Hospital Income Insurance Plan
Tender Care Benefit is an optional rider benefit of Sun Life insurance plan1.
This rider benefit reimburses medical expenses and gives you a special allowance if the insured, who is the child protected under the Basic Plan, is injured in an accident.
We will pay out a cash lump-sum upon the death or loss of a limb or sight of the insured due to an accident. The amount of Accidental Injury Benefit will be doubled if the insured is a passenger in a school bus or other public transport conveyance when an accident happens.
The above information is a product summary only, please contact your Advisor for details. Please refer to the respective product leaflet and Policy Document for details including definitions, full terms and conditions, and exclusions. If there is any conflict between the Policy Document and this product summary, the Policy Document shall prevail.
Download product leaflet of Tender Care Benefit
*Terms and conditions apply. Click here to learn more.