Asset Management

Sun Life Asset Management
Macro Observation
September 2024 (Cantonese voice-over with Chinese and English subtitles)

Note: Macro Observation is only for general information sharing but not any investment opinion. This is neither an invitation of investment nor agreement to make any product purchase.

Learn about ESG from Sun Life Asset Management

In recent years, more and more responsible companies have included ESG elements in their corporate policies while investors have expected higher potential returns from companies with outstanding ESG scores. But, what is ESG?

Generally speaking, ESG is a tool to analyze sustainability of a company. Unlike traditional financial data, that of ESG reflects factors that are not disclosed in financial reports but are still important when measuring the value of a company. ESG factors can be regarded as intangible assets of responsible company.

In Hong Kong, ESG investing has gradually become a sustainable trend. Apart from various ESG-related investment products, there are also indices compiled with the concept of ESG. Hang Seng ESG 50 Index is one example.

Watch the video now to learn more about ESG and Hang Seng ESG 50 Index.

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