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Investment-Linked Fund Details

Investment-Linked Fund Name:
Underlying Fund Name:

Below are the underlying fund details for reference:

Underlying Fund Information^
Historical Prices
Calculation Basis: bid price to bid price / sell price to sell price in USD with the assumption that all dividend payouts, if any, are being reinvested in this Investment-Linked Fund (Dist). Your actual return may therefore be lower or higher than the performance of this Investment-Linked Fund (Dist) as shown.
* As at
#Performance from launch date to end of calendar year
Calculation Basis: bid price to bid price / sell price to sell price in USD with the assumption that at dividend payouts, if any, are being reinvested.
* As at

^The documents of underlying fund in this section are provided by FE fundinfo as data provider.
#Performance from launch date to end of calendar year

Price information is only available from the launch date of the underlying fund.

The performance of this underlying fund is not available as it is launched less than 6 months.

^The documents of underlying fund in this section are provided by FE fundinfo as data provider.