March 06, 2018

Eight great travel tips for retirees

How to keep the fun in the journey? Here are the eight great travel tips for retirees.

1. Go as soon as you can

Your age and health limit what you can see, experience and enjoy. Be honest: When do you really expect to have more health, vitality and stamina than you have right now? While travelling, you’re most likely on your feet and walking far more than in your daily routine at home. And the terrains of many, many travel destinations are increasingly challenging as one ages.

2. Don’t be shy

If you’re travelling for pleasure, it’s your adventure — so be adventurous! Eat something you’re not used to. Whenever you can, eat at local restaurants for a more authentic experience. And talk to the locals. They know when the bus comes, what to do, where to eat. Just ask!

3. Pace yourself  

Before you get tired, sit down for a cup of coffee or find a place where you can get off your feet for a few minutes. Then you could on our way again, refreshed. Do this several times a day and you’ll have the energy to keep going when others are exhausted.

4. Travel in the off-season

If you’re retired, why not travel in the shoulder season and avoid the big crowds or the 40-degree heat? You could experience a whole different experience in Portugal in October than other visitors have there in July. It is possible that you don’t need to make reservations to get into restaurants and could sit outside without melting.

5. Stay at a central hotel

Don’t spend much on hotels. You should rather spend less per night and stay more nights. But it is important to stay close to attractions, restaurants or nightlife. So what if the hotel isn’t fancy? If it’s centrally located, you’re less likely to spend much time there.

6. Eat one big meal a day

Many hotels include breakfast. After having the breakfast, you could eat just one more big meal later in the day, plus a smaller snack or two. Having one big meal lets you indulge and try a variety of local foods. Doing that twice a day makes you feel lazy, sleepy and chubby.

7. Learn some of the local language, food and customs

Try to spend some time to understand the local language and customs of your destination before depart. There are plenty of resources online. You could even learn Spanish phrases, for example, with a language mobile application.  With the local knowledge in mind, you’ll have a different travelling experience.

8. Don’t get lost unless you want to  

Technology offers wonderful ways to avoid getting lost, whether you’re walking, taking public transit or driving. Mobile apps, online route maps and global positioning system (GPS) gizmos can reduce your stress while travelling. Remember, real men don’t ask for directions, but it’s okay to use technology.

Bon voyage!

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