Pick the most accurate response to each question, count up your answers and see what your results say about you. Then find out what you can do to improve your score.
What your results say about you:
Mostly a’s: You are careful, conscientious and technology-savvy. Do you want to explore ways to manage your wealth? Check out our LIFE Brilliance plan which provides growth potential for your wealth.
Mostly b’s: You are responsible about your money and you try to do the right thing. You may not be able to retire at 40 with millions in the bank, but with a little luck, you’ll be all right. If you want to further strengthen your retirement pot, our FlexiRetire Annuity Plan could help you take control of your future and achieve your retirement goals.
Mostly c’s: You try not to think too much about money, because it stresses you out. Find out how to reduce your stress: Meditation: Giving stress a time-out
Mostly d’s: You’re the life of the party, but what will you do when the party’s over? Talk to our advisors to get professional advice.
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